If you’re looking to get a first credit card, it can be difficult to know which card to pick. Here are a few options: Discover It Secured card Capital One Platinum card Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards card Image via BadCredit.org.Read more
If you’re looking to get a first credit card, it can be difficult to know which card to pick. Here are a few options: Discover It Secured card Capital One Platinum card Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards card Image via BadCredit.org.Read more
If you’re looking for life insurance coverage, you’ll be choosing between term and permanent coverage. Permanent coverage will extend without being confined to a set period. There’s whole coverage, which means you’ll be covered your entire life, and there’s universal coverage, which has a nice savings element to it. Image via Brian So Insurance.Read more
There are two different types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance will allow you to be covered for only a short period of time, so once that time period passes, you’ll either need to extend or find something new. If you happen to die during the term, thenRead more
Refinancing your student loans is a great way to reduce your loan debt, which is especially helpful for recent grads who don’t need to be held back when there’s so much opportunity ahead of them. By doing so, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you play less interest rates and will be able toRead more
For anyone who took out Stafford Loans, PLUS Loans, or Federal Perkins Loans then you will have the option to consolidate your loans. This means that you’ll have less monthly payments and a fixed interest rate. Unfortunately, though, it also means that it has a longer term so you’ll be paying it off for aRead more
When you struggle with bad credit, you may find it hard to get approved for just about anything. The good news is, if you want a credit card, there are some companies out there that will still approve you. Most are secured, meaning you will have to pay a deposit. Here are 3 credit cards you shouldRead more
Those with little to no credit history or between 500 and 600 on their FICO score may see an increase in loan opportunities. UltraFICO, a new type of credit score system, will help consumers establish a credit score based on their banking and savings habits rather than credit cards, loans and debts. It’s meant toRead more
Planning on popping the question? Well there are certain ways that your credit score might play a factor in that decision. Spray out payments if it’s not possible to make the purchase in one fell swoop. Use the credit card rewards to plan a honeymoon. Another great perk of rewards is finding cards that haveRead more
Good drivers, rejoice: It’s likely easier for you to find a cheaper auto insurance premium! Insurance companies want to work with good drivers and promote safety on the road, so it only makes sense that they’ll want to partner with people don’t have any marks on their driving records. These are the different types ofRead more
Those in the military get housing benefits, but four more states just got military-friendly loans: Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. The Georgia Dream program provides assistance to first-time buyers, those that haven’t owned a house in three or more years, and those who live in designated areas. The Florida Housing Finance Corporation gives a FloridaRead more